
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Honda Debuts New Ad Campaign for Civic

It used to be that if an automaker wanted to advertise a new or redesigned model like the 2016 Honda Civic to the masses, they would have to plan a widespread television campaign that reached all those millions of people sitting down in front of the tube at night to take in their usual array of shows, but times have changed considerably for automakers. Fewer and fewer people actually have standard cable subscriptions and those that do tend to fast forward through the commercials on DVR.

So how does an automaker like Honda advertise to the world if the world’s not watching as much TV as it used to? Well, for starters they still make the TV spot, but they attack their ad campaign from many other angles, as well, many of which take place online.

For example, the first time many San Diego Honda fans will see the new “The Dreamer” ad for the Civic will be online via YouTube, though that is a national spot that will run between popular shows for the next several weeks. The commercial itself is a fun one, showing a sort of magical realism that entails the Civic birthing from an engineer’s brain and floating through the space of the lab as other aspects of the vehicle get tagged on.

It’s a perfectly lovely spot, but Honda won’t be stopping there. They also recently debuted their Snapchat channel in support of the new Civic and will be active in online advertising and via other social media like Facebook and Twitter.

One thing we do know is that you’re going to hear a lot of good things about this exciting new vehicle, and it all starts with that great new “The Dream” advertisement.

1 comment:

  1. saya atas nama BPK. SAMSUL dari MADURA ingin mengucapkan banyak kasih kepada MBAH KARYO,kalau bukan karna bantuannya munkin sekaran saya sudah terlantar dan tidak pernaah terpikirkan oleh saya kalau saya sdh bisa sesukses ini dan saya tdk menyanka klau MBAH KARYO bisa sehebat ini menembuskan semua no,,jika anda ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH KARYO no ini 082301536999 saya yakin anda tdk akan pernah menyesal klau sudah berhubungan dgn MBAH KARYO dan jgn percaya klau ada yg menggunakan pesan ini klau bukan nama BPK. SAMSUL dan bukan nama MBAH KARYO krna itu cuma palsu.m
